What we do, we do for God – having that aim in mind any difficulties, even those most severe, seem very little!
/blessed Edmund Bojanowski/

We unite in goodness
Edmund Bojanowski’s Association „Goodness” was founded on March 25th 2004 as an initiative of the Sisters the Little Servants of the Immaculate Mother of God. The members are both sisters and layman. We are united by a common goal.
Being inspired by the thought and example of blessed Edmund we aspire to respond to the concerns, needs and threats of poor and sick children by helping them with care and sincere goodness.
Siostry Służebniczki
We organize various initiatives concerning people that are in a threat of social exclusion, including help to families and individuals in difficult life situations, and we strive for compensating chances of these families and individuals. To achieve that we engage in
• educational, guardianship/didactical activities;
• various endeavors for the benefit of family, motherhood, parenthood, awareness and protection of child’s rights;
• charitable and philanthropic activities;
The Association is registered in National Court Register (KRS) and its number is 0000205257, it has legal personality and status of public benefit organization.

stands for guiding word for our Association.
Taking example from our founder blessed Edmund Bojanowski,
as he once did, we UNITE PEOPLE IN GOODNESS
Believing in God’s Providence that operates through goodness of the people, we invite you to join our initiative for the sake of goodness and contribute to the deeds that already exist.
Believing in God’s Providence that operates through goodness of the people, we invite you to join our initiative for the sake of goodness and contribute to the deeds that already exist.
Traditional cash transfer
Edmund Bojanowski’s Association „Goodness”
Stowarzyszenie im. Edmunda Bojanowskiego „Dobroć’
ul. Krakowska 15, 39 – 200 Dębica
Payment title:
Donation for statutory goals
Account number:
PEKAO S.A O/Dębica
88 1240 4807 1111 0000 5537 5847
Data for transfers from abroad:
IBAN: PL88 1240 4807 1111 0000 5537 5847
To all contributors to our Association, we ensure you about our prayers by which we aspire to plead for much-needed grace. Let the goodness of your hearts be rewarded by the abundance of God’s blessing.


Pomagamy od 2004 r. Łączy nas wspólny cel. Inspirowani przykładem życia bł. Edmunda Bojanowskiego, ze szczerą dobrocią wychodzimy naprzeciw troskom i potrzebom dzieci, ubogich, starszych i chorych.
Stowarzyszenie im. Edmunda Bojanowskiego "Dobroć"
ul. Krakowska 15
39-200 Dębica
+48 14 682 22 90
88 1240 4807 1111 0000 5537 5847
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